Wealth Building Cornerstones Is Here!

For those of you who require your companys compliance approval prior to using Wealth Building Cornerstones with clients, you must only use Wealth Building Cornerstones for the purposes of becoming familiar with the program and for learning how it will work with your clients. When we receive compliance approval from any of our company partners, we will make an announcement. In the meantime, we encourage that you jump on board with the free trial and get up to speed so that when it is approved you can hit the street running! With Wealth Building Cornerstones, you will have access to the password protected Wealth Building Cornerstones website. There you will find client presentations, training videos, historical data, client materials, and the Cornerstones Calculator- the key to identifying the dramatic increases in retirement income available to most clients.

Building wealth: Best moves if you’re 25 to 34

target mix age 30

A comprehensive list of obstacles to building wealth according to many experts is: 1) Personal Debt 4) Taxes 5) Financial Myths Personal debt and available solutions are beyond the scope of this article. Market volatility can be defined as what we all experienced in the 2002 and 2008 market declines, where trillions of dollars were lost. Money management fees can run from .6% per http://www.prweb.com/releases/the-elevation-group/aspire-magazine-feature/prweb10433128.htm year with the most efficient mutual funds up to over 2.0% per year. Remember, .6% to 2.0% per year may not sound like much, but over a ten-year period can amount to 6.0% to 20.0% of your money!

Stages of Wealth Building

Go for a Roth 401(k). The Roth advantage: You save with after-tax dollars, so, unlike a regular 401(k), you won’t pay income taxes on withdrawals. That’s a good deal if you’ll be in a higher tax bracket at retirement, as is the case for many young investors. Four in 10 large plans now offer a Roth option, Aon Hewitt says.

Protect Your Retirement: Obstacles to Building Wealth

This is the ideal time in your life to put your income toward your retirement account and other business investments, such as a vacation home you plan to rent out. As we approach retirement age, many of us might dip into our retirement funds and other sources of income such as Social Security. But reaching a certain age doesn’t always mean your wealth-building days are over. Some people may even decide traditional leisure-based retirement isn’t for them. Many older adults continue http://www.linkedin.com/company/the-elevation-group working into their 70s . And with a pension and health benefits, some may even begin an entrepreneurial venture that was too risky earlier in life.

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